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14 Jun, 2024

Yesterday, on 13 June 2024, in partnership with the Mechi-Mahakali Press Society, a one-day workshop under the subject "Climate Change and the Media in the 21st century" was organized at the NTNC central office.

The event was attended by the Former President of Nepal Ms. Bidya Devi Bhandari, who called on greater urgency from the government and all stakeholders invested in climate-friendly futures. Addressing the event, the former president said that the science and solutions to combat the climate crisis had been established since long, only the urgency and implementation level was not catching up.

The workshop featured three main presentation and Q&A sessions: 1) "Understanding Climate Change: Implications in Nepal” by Dr. Krishna Prasad Oli, NTNC Chairperson; 2) "Climate Change Science, Impact, Policy and Media" by Mr. Arjun Dhakal, Executive Chair, Social Economic, Environmental Institute (SEEPORT); 3) "Climate Change and Right to Food in Nepal" by Dr. Bhesh Raj Adhikari.

In his presentation NTNC Chairperson Dr. Oli spoke about global climate trends and impacts, Nepal's related data points and projections, its geography and poverty-induced stressors, the country's net zero ambitions, domestic policies and programmes in place, and various preparedness and resilience-building initiatives being taken. Noting the implications of global temperature rise to Nepal's natural, social and economic capital, Dr. Oli spoke for more ambitious climate-positive drivers, improved governance and policy implementation capacities.

Among the guest speakers, Hon. Man Bahadur Gurung, Member of the House of Representatives, reflected on his experience as chairperson of CAMC-Sikles in the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (NTNC-ACAP). He lauded the timely role played by ACAP in developing conservation awareness and action, transforming once hunting-heavy communities to wildlife-friendly communities, promoting local cultures and income generation opportunities.

Chairman of the President Chure Terai-Madhesh Conservation Development Board, Dr. Kiran Paudyal, spoke about the growing vulnerabilities of the Chure region if timely interventions were not made, and the need for building coordinated actions and investments to ensure its future sustainability.

In his address, Dr. Naresh Subedi, the Officiating Member Secretary of NTNC, acknowledged the central role of the media as change agents in influencing policy and public awareness. He said that NTNC was ready to do its part in capacitating media actions for climate change in the future as well.

Грошові труднощі можуть виникнути несподівано, але послуга гроші до зарплати допомагає швидко вирішити ці питання. Завдяки простій процедурі подання заявки клієнти можуть отримати необхідну суму без зайвих перевірок і очікувань. Кошти зараховуються на картку протягом кількох хвилин після схвалення. Сервіси, що пропонують гроші до зарплати, забезпечують гнучкі умови погашення, адаптовані до можливостей кожного клієнта. Це ідеальний варіант для покриття непередбачених витрат, коли потрібно терміново знайти фінансову підтримку. Прозорі правила і швидкий доступ до коштів роблять цей формат кредитування зручним і доступним.

Speaker representations from the media were Mr. Madhav Sharma, who was also chair of the event, Ms. Durga Bhandari, Mr. Kishore Karki, Ms. Nirmala Sharma, and Mr. Ghanshyam Pandey, among others, who spoke about the media's responsibility in enhancing climate governance and accountability, informing policy, leadership and planning, developing climate knowledge, public awareness and action.

Когда финансовая ситуация осложняется, а текущие обязательства требуют немедленного решения, найти подходящий вариант займа становится сложной задачей. Однако существует возможность оформить кредит с задолженностью, что позволяет получить дополнительные средства даже при наличии просроченных платежей. Такие предложения доступны благодаря специализированным сервисам, которые оценивают платёжеспособность клиента, учитывая не только историю, но и текущие финансовые возможности. Для оформления достаточно заполнить заявку онлайн, указать основные данные, и система автоматически обработает запрос. Средства зачисляются на карту после одобрения, что делает этот формат идеальным для срочных нужд.