NTNC is committed to ensuring the highest standards for ethics and integrity—both institutionally as well as professionally. We aim to a working culture where transparency and openness are our key strengths, through which we can continue to promote public engagement and exchange, inspire trust and become more accountable. For this we have devised various policies, guidelines, and frameworks related to environmental and social management, financial and fiduciary management, project and programme appraisal, employee and gender ethics, along with other related codes and safeguards. These compliances are devised to ensure a binding responsibility for organizational standards on the part of all employees, internal tasks and processes. Our aim is to institute in place adequate systems of internal control to ensure that the NTNC, its mission and objectives are not compromised by the actions of its employees, our stakeholders and partners, or by others outside.
- NTNC Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) Procedural Guidelines, 2024
- NTNC Information Disclosure, Grievance Redressal and Conflict of Interest (Revised, July 2024)
- NTNC Fiduciary Procedures
- NTNC Code of Conduct
- NTNC Risk Management System
- NTNC Financial Management and Control Manual
- Right to Information Act 2007 (2064 BS)
- Right to Information Regulation 2009 (2065 BS)
- Public Procurement Act 2007
- Public Procurement Rules 2007
- Asset (Money) Laundering Act 2008 (2064)