His Excellency Dean R. Thompson, the U.S. Ambassador to Nepal, visited the Annapurna Conservation Area Project (NTNC-ACAP) headquarters in Pokhara today where a welcome and interaction event was organized.
NTNC Member Secretary Mr. Sharad Chandra Adhikari welcomed the ambassador and his team highlighting the U.S.'s over half-a-decade support in Nepal's conservation sector, including the close relations that NTNC continued to share with many important U.S. personalities and project initiatives. He noted the role of the U.S. Embassy, the USAID, and the American people overall in accompanying this strong relationship.
Special sessions were hosted for the ambassador focusing on Nepal's protected area management outlook, the country's overall biodiversity conservation capacities, including NTNC's specialized role as an institution, by the NTNC-ACAP Director Dr. Chiranjibi Prasad Pokharel together with the ACAP team.
Ambassador Thompson expressed appreciation to learn about NTNC's demonstrated abilities in the global conservation success of Nepal, and spoke about the many potentials for expanding U.S. partnership and support to further enhance NTNC's impact.
Accompanying the ambassador's team were also Prof. Thomas DeLuca, Dean of the College of Forestry at Oregon State University, Dr. Denise DeLuca, and Dr. Michele Justice.