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26 May, 2023

Minister for Forests and Environment Hon. Dr. Birendra Prasad Mahato made his first visit to the NTNC central office today where a welcome and briefing event was organized. The Hon. Minister Dr. Mahato was accompanied by Dr. Rewati Raman Poudel, the MOFE secretary.

NTNC Chairman Dr. Krishna Prasad Oli chaired the meeting, with the Member Secretary Sharad Chandra Adhikari making the welcome address. Both of them jointly handed over a letter of greeting to the minister on behalf of the Trust. Attendees at the meeting included NTNC’s director and officers.

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Dr. Naresh Subedi, director at NTNC, made a presentation on behalf of the Trust, outlining NTNC’s working mandate, its unique organizational expertise, priorities and challenges.

At the meeting some of the discussion points included issues related to human-wildlife conflict preparedness and response, regulatory challenges affecting conservation area management, national wildlife rescue capacity, and programme innovation.

The Hon. Minister Dr. Mahato stated his commitment to make a positive difference. He spoke about already being briefed on priorities concerning the Annapurna Conservation Area and the Manaslu Conservation Area and said that his ministry was preparing to deliver. The minister also spoke about the many challenges as well as opportunities for Nepal from climate change, and the need for developing new kinds of capacities.

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MOFE Secretary Dr. Rewati Raman Poudel noted the Trust’s important contributions as an institution in furthering the goals of MOFE. He spoke about the Trust’s demonstrated technical capacities and said that the government was moving forward urgently to address the challenges being faced by NTNC as a conservation area management authority. The secretary also advised that more focus be put on improving biological corridors for better wildlife habitat connectivity and reduced human-wildlife confrontation. 

NTNC Chairman Dr. Krishna Prasad Oli made the closing address elaborating about the Trust’s pioneering and innovative-driven approaches, from national-to-global conservation science and practice. Thanking the visiting minister and the secretary for their valuable time, Dr. Oli said that the Trust continued to seek the ministry’s close support, guidance and advice.