As part of the second phase of the "Nepal Conservation Law Enforcement Training", a Training for Trainers module is ongoing at Lalmati of Bardia National Park.
Eighteen forest and conservation officers and rangers from various Provinces and the Department of National Park and Wildlife Conservation are participating.
The training that started on 04 September is due for completion on 20 September.
The first phase of the training was held earlier from 18 to 30 June 2024 at the Biodiversity Conservation Center (NTNC-BCC), in Sauraha, Chitwan.
Training sessions are being led and facilitated by technical working group members from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Department of Forest and Soil Conservation, Forest Research and Training Centre and NTNC, together with subject matter experts from the U.S. Forest Service.
The training is part of the "Strengthening Institutional Capacity to Combat Wildlife Trafficking and Illegal Logging in Nepal Project" funded by the U.S. Forest Service.