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30 Jul, 2024

Global Tiger Day 2024 celebrations were held at NTNC yesterday on July 29 together with the Prime Minister and Patron of NTNC, Rt. Hon’ble KP Sharma Oli. 

The event was organized under the lead of the Ministry of Forests and Environment (MOFE) and chaired by the Hon'ble Minister Ain Bahadur Shahi Thakuri. 

More than 400 guests attended the event, comprising of political leaders and policy makers, conservation practitioners and partners, foreign delegates, students, media and civil society persons, coming together under the day’s theme, “Human-Tiger Coexistence: A Pathway to Prosperity”.

Stage addresses were made by the MOFE Minister, the Chairperson of NTNC Dr. Krishna Prasad Oli, the Mayor of Lalitpur Metropolitan City Mr. Chiri Babu Maharjan, and the MOFE Acting Secretary Mr. Bhupal Baral.

Speaking on behalf of conservation partner organizations of the government, chairperson of NTNC Dr. Oli cited the role of coordinated and collective action in delivering Nepal’s tiger conservation success story, right from the top political leadership to the local community level. He underscored the need for keeping in mind challenges and focusing on strengthening research and innovative programming.

Other notable highlights at the event included a thematic presentation session by Dr. Sindhu Prasad Dhungana, director general of the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, a tiger documentary screening, drama performances by school students, and a special Q&A session between the Friends of Zoo students and the prime minister. 

At the Q&A session, the prime minister spoke to young children of his admiration for tigers as critical ecosystem actors. He commended the role of Nepal’s nature conservation sector, advising for a scientific and balanced approach, focusing on ensuring the security and prosperity of the lives and livelihoods of communities living in and around tiger habitats. Taking note of the existing space limitations at the Central Zoo, the prime minster suggested about the potential for Nepal’s wildlife to contribute further through conservation diplomacy. 

Es importante revisar las condiciones, incluyendo tasas de interés y plazos de pago, antes de comprometerse. Los préstamos fáciles son ideales para resolver emergencias financieras o cubrir gastos imprevistos de manera rápida y sin complicaciones. Las entidades que ofrecen préstamos fáciles suelen requerir solo documentos básicos, como identificación oficial y comprobante de ingresos. Además, muchos de estos préstamos se pueden solicitar en línea, agilizando aún más el proceso de aprobación y desembolso.

During the event, a special tiger day frame was presented by the NTNC chairman as a token of appreciation to the prime minister, who also chairs the National Tiger Conservation Committee. [END]

Event photos:


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