Conservation education to youth provides authentic opportunities for learning and gives them an opportunity to connect with nature in a meaningful way. This is why we believe that internalizing conservation education among youth should remain a priority to developing a culture of harmony between people and nature.
NTNC executes its conservation education predominantly through our own curriculum-based education programme 'Prakriti ko Sandesh' (T: Voice of Nature) that we teach in Grades 6, 7 and 8 levels. By instituting conservation education as a prerequisite curriculum in schools, NTNC makes a difference through early sensitization of young children who largely influence household and collective social attitudes toward pro-conservation initiatives. In addition, NTNC supports schools with teacher’s training, teaching materials and necessary infrastructure, engaging students in hands-on involvement with various conservation activities, along with education tours and camps.
Where the prescribed conservation curriculum is not studied, NTNC reaches large numbers of students through the formation and mobilization of student networks such as eco-clubs, green force clubs, and friend of zoo (FoZ) among others. NTNC conducts other regular special education classes and camps especially in the buffer zone of terai protected areas. Through our scholarship programmes, NTNC supports students from disadvantaged and marginalized groups, wildlife victim families, including high-merit students from primary to higher secondary levels. All these contribute to developing a future generation that is ready to lead the future of conservation in the country.